This project embraces the ambition of the Izmit Municipality to unite the constrained historic Town Centre with its wider urban context and together define a new ‘city scale’ core.
This masterplan presents a unique opportunity to regenerate and extend Izmit town centre.
By bridging the barrier created by the highways and rail infrastructure, this proposal provides a well connected sustainable and mixed used development which will be the catalyst for wider urban regeneration.
The new pedestrian links and a series of high quality public spaces and boulevards, in conjunction with the proposed uses, will form a new iconic and civic focus for Izmit.
The project will transform a disparate industrial and commercial zone into a thriving new urban community which may ultimately promote further integration with the marina and waterside leisure environments proposed to the south-west.
The overall masterplan vision combines residential, offices, hotel, concert hall, art centre and an attractive shopping centre with restaurants, movie theatre, fitness and many other social and cultural activities within a diverse architectural vocabulary to create a major new destination for Izmit.
Aerium’s proposal for Izmit town centre is part of this major master plan and represents 52,000sqm of land with over 130,000sqm of future mixed-use development representing over $400M asset value.